I've been listening (again) to one of my favourite songwriters, Richard Thompson, who is also one of the more famous Western adherants of Sufism, the mystical branch of Islam. This is one of my favourites, Outside of the Inside, from the 2003 album "The Old Kit Bag". Have a listen here . God never listened to Charlie Parker Charlie Parker lived in vain. Blasphemer, womaniser Let a needle numb his pain. Wash away his monkey music Damn his demons, damn his pain. What's the point of Albert Einstein? What do we need physics for? Heresy's his inspiration Corrupt and rotten to the core. Curse his devious mathematics, Curse his deadly atom war. Chorus There's a message on the wind Calling me to glory somewhere. There are signs to deep for the dumb Like perfume in the air. And when I get to heaven I won't realise that I'm there. Shakespeare, Isaac Newton, Small ideas for little boys. Adding to the senseless chatter, Adding to the ba...