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Showing posts from September, 2016

Turnbull's First Year

So, apparently as of yesterday Malcolm Turnbull has been Australian Prime Minister for a full year.  As a result the media is full of stories assessing what he has achieved in that time.  Everyone is struggling.  Even the man himself nominated his greatest achievement as "having a clear economic plan for Australia".  A plan is not an achievement. It is a plan. It seems to me that all this is beside the point.  Political leaders want us to think it's all about us, but really it's all about them.  So here's the  real  list of Malcolm Turnbull's goals and achievements from the past 12 months. 1. Become Prime Minister You alienated lots of people in your stint as Opposition Leader by sticking to your principles, especially on climate change.  You need to convince people it won't happen again.  It will take lots of secret meetings and clandestine phone calls.  You will have to hope the previous occupant of the job makes some cata...