During this series on the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy , some people have suggested to me (with greater or lesser degrees of subtlety) that I should maybe explain what I think, not just what I don't. Of course, I've been doing that all along to some degree, but as a closer for the series I'd like to spell it out as clearly as I can. Of course all along I've been using the Chigago Statements as a foil against which to work out what I think. It's still developing. Nor do I claim anything close to inerrancy for myself - I expect lots of people to disagree in various ways and I expect a lot of them will turn out to be right. I'm no Bible scholar, and none of what I say here is original. Still, here goes... 1. The Bible is the primary source for Christian belief Everything important that we believe as Christians is ultimately sourced back to Bible. It's where we learn about God and about Christ, it's where we learn how to pray and how to...
'Contemplating the teeming life of the shore, we have an uneasy sense of the communication of some universal truth that lies just beyond our grasp.' - Rachel Carson